Using the Combined_Flights_2022 dataset from, The data set contains flight information includding cancellation and delays. The aim of this study is to see which airlines experience more flight delays.
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import seaborn.objects as so
from tqdm import tqdm
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
Reviewing the raw data, not all columns are relevant to this study. We filtered the data for the columns that we deemed relevant, as seen in the list created, column_subset.
data_2022 = pd.read_parquet("Combined_Flights_2022.parquet")
FlightDate | Airline | Origin | Dest | Cancelled | Diverted | CRSDepTime | DepTime | DepDelayMinutes | DepDelay | ... | WheelsOff | WheelsOn | TaxiIn | CRSArrTime | ArrDelay | ArrDel15 | ArrivalDelayGroups | ArrTimeBlk | DistanceGroup | DivAirportLandings | |
0 | 2022-04-04 | Commutair Aka Champlain Enterprises, Inc. | GJT | DEN | False | False | 1133 | 1123.0 | 0.0 | -10.0 | ... | 1140.0 | 1220.0 | 8.0 | 1245 | -17.0 | 0.0 | -2.0 | 1200-1259 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 2022-04-04 | Commutair Aka Champlain Enterprises, Inc. | HRL | IAH | False | False | 732 | 728.0 | 0.0 | -4.0 | ... | 744.0 | 839.0 | 9.0 | 849 | -1.0 | 0.0 | -1.0 | 0800-0859 | 2 | 0 |
2 | 2022-04-04 | Commutair Aka Champlain Enterprises, Inc. | DRO | DEN | False | False | 1529 | 1514.0 | 0.0 | -15.0 | ... | 1535.0 | 1622.0 | 14.0 | 1639 | -3.0 | 0.0 | -1.0 | 1600-1659 | 2 | 0 |
3 | 2022-04-04 | Commutair Aka Champlain Enterprises, Inc. | IAH | GPT | False | False | 1435 | 1430.0 | 0.0 | -5.0 | ... | 1446.0 | 1543.0 | 4.0 | 1605 | -18.0 | 0.0 | -2.0 | 1600-1659 | 2 | 0 |
4 | 2022-04-04 | Commutair Aka Champlain Enterprises, Inc. | DRO | DEN | False | False | 1135 | 1135.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | ... | 1154.0 | 1243.0 | 8.0 | 1245 | 6.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1200-1259 | 2 | 0 |
5 rows × 61 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 4078318 entries, 0 to 590541 Data columns (total 61 columns): # Column Dtype --- ------ ----- 0 FlightDate datetime64[ns] 1 Airline object 2 Origin object 3 Dest object 4 Cancelled bool 5 Diverted bool 6 CRSDepTime int64 7 DepTime float64 8 DepDelayMinutes float64 9 DepDelay float64 10 ArrTime float64 11 ArrDelayMinutes float64 12 AirTime float64 13 CRSElapsedTime float64 14 ActualElapsedTime float64 15 Distance float64 16 Year int64 17 Quarter int64 18 Month int64 19 DayofMonth int64 20 DayOfWeek int64 21 Marketing_Airline_Network object 22 Operated_or_Branded_Code_Share_Partners object 23 DOT_ID_Marketing_Airline int64 24 IATA_Code_Marketing_Airline object 25 Flight_Number_Marketing_Airline int64 26 Operating_Airline object 27 DOT_ID_Operating_Airline int64 28 IATA_Code_Operating_Airline object 29 Tail_Number object 30 Flight_Number_Operating_Airline int64 31 OriginAirportID int64 32 OriginAirportSeqID int64 33 OriginCityMarketID int64 34 OriginCityName object 35 OriginState object 36 OriginStateFips int64 37 OriginStateName object 38 OriginWac int64 39 DestAirportID int64 40 DestAirportSeqID int64 41 DestCityMarketID int64 42 DestCityName object 43 DestState object 44 DestStateFips int64 45 DestStateName object 46 DestWac int64 47 DepDel15 float64 48 DepartureDelayGroups float64 49 DepTimeBlk object 50 TaxiOut float64 51 WheelsOff float64 52 WheelsOn float64 53 TaxiIn float64 54 CRSArrTime int64 55 ArrDelay float64 56 ArrDel15 float64 57 ArrivalDelayGroups float64 58 ArrTimeBlk object 59 DistanceGroup int64 60 DivAirportLandings int64 dtypes: bool(2), datetime64[ns](1), float64(18), int64(23), object(17) memory usage: 1.8+ GB
column_subset = [
for i in tqdm(range(1)):
df_2018 = pd.read_parquet("Combined_Flights_2018.parquet", 'pyarrow', columns=column_subset)
df_2019 = pd.read_parquet("Combined_Flights_2019.parquet", 'pyarrow', columns=column_subset)
df_2020 = pd.read_parquet("Combined_Flights_2020.parquet", 'pyarrow', columns=column_subset)
df_2021 = pd.read_parquet("Combined_Flights_2021.parquet", 'pyarrow', columns=column_subset)
df_2022 = pd.read_parquet("Combined_Flights_2022.parquet", 'pyarrow', columns=column_subset)
dfs = [df_2018, df_2019, df_2020, df_2021, df_2022]
df = pd.concat(dfs).reset_index(drop=True)
print("Done Reading!")
cat_cols = ["Airline", "Origin", "Dest", "OriginStateName", "DestStateName"]
for c in cat_cols:
df[c] = df[c].astype("category")
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:29<00:00, 29.77s/it]
Done Reading!
FlightDate | Airline | Flight_Number_Marketing_Airline | Origin | Dest | Cancelled | Diverted | CRSDepTime | DepTime | DepDelayMinutes | ... | DestAirportID | DestCityName | DestStateName | TaxiOut | TaxiIn | CRSArrTime | ArrTime | ArrDelayMinutes | Distance | AirTime | |
0 | 2018-01-23 | Endeavor Air Inc. | 3298 | ABY | ATL | False | False | 1202 | 1157.0 | 0.0 | ... | 10397 | Atlanta, GA | Georgia | 14.0 | 7.0 | 1304 | 1256.0 | 0.0 | 145.0 | 38.0 |
1 | 2018-01-24 | Endeavor Air Inc. | 3298 | ABY | ATL | False | False | 1202 | 1157.0 | 0.0 | ... | 10397 | Atlanta, GA | Georgia | 13.0 | 12.0 | 1304 | 1258.0 | 0.0 | 145.0 | 36.0 |
2 | 2018-01-25 | Endeavor Air Inc. | 3298 | ABY | ATL | False | False | 1202 | 1153.0 | 0.0 | ... | 10397 | Atlanta, GA | Georgia | 18.0 | 11.0 | 1304 | 1302.0 | 0.0 | 145.0 | 40.0 |
3 | 2018-01-26 | Endeavor Air Inc. | 3298 | ABY | ATL | False | False | 1202 | 1150.0 | 0.0 | ... | 10397 | Atlanta, GA | Georgia | 17.0 | 11.0 | 1304 | 1253.0 | 0.0 | 145.0 | 35.0 |
4 | 2018-01-27 | Endeavor Air Inc. | 3298 | ABY | ATL | False | False | 1400 | 1355.0 | 0.0 | ... | 10397 | Atlanta, GA | Georgia | 17.0 | 11.0 | 1500 | 1459.0 | 0.0 | 145.0 | 36.0 |
5 rows × 23 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 29193782 entries, 0 to 29193781 Data columns (total 23 columns): # Column Dtype --- ------ ----- 0 FlightDate datetime64[ns] 1 Airline category 2 Flight_Number_Marketing_Airline int64 3 Origin category 4 Dest category 5 Cancelled bool 6 Diverted bool 7 CRSDepTime int64 8 DepTime float64 9 DepDelayMinutes float64 10 OriginAirportID int64 11 OriginCityName object 12 OriginStateName category 13 DestAirportID int64 14 DestCityName object 15 DestStateName category 16 TaxiOut float64 17 TaxiIn float64 18 CRSArrTime int64 19 ArrTime float64 20 ArrDelayMinutes float64 21 Distance float64 22 AirTime float64 dtypes: bool(2), category(5), datetime64[ns](1), float64(8), int64(5), object(2) memory usage: 3.7+ GB
# Barplot
sns.countplot(data=df, y="Airline", order=df["Airline"].value_counts().index)
plt.ylabel('Airline', fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel('Count of flights', fontsize=15)
plt.title('Flight count by airline', fontsize=15)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Flight count by airline')
# Line chart for the number of flights over time
df['FlightDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['FlightDate'])
flight_counts = df.groupby('FlightDate')['Airline'].count()
plt.title('Number of Flights Over Time')
plt.ylabel('Number of Flights')
# Calculate the average flight distance by airline
avg_distance_by_airline = df.groupby('Airline')['Distance'].mean().sort_values(ascending=False)
# Plot the average flight distance by airline
sns.barplot(y=avg_distance_by_airline.index, x=avg_distance_by_airline.values, order=avg_distance_by_airline.index)
plt.title('Average Flight Distance by Airline')
plt.xlabel('Average Flight Distance (miles)')
As seen in this bar plot, Southwest Airlines Co had the most flights in 2022 while GoJet airlines had the least flights. The most popular airlines are Southwest, Delta, American Airlines, SkyWest and United Air. To visualize this better, we can use a pie chart to visualize how many flights each airline makes with respect to the total number of flights in 2022.
# Convert the 'FlightDate' column to a datetime object
df['FlightDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['FlightDate'])
# Create a new column for the day of the week
df['DayOfWeek'] = df['FlightDate'].dt.day_name()
# Create a new column for the hour of the day
df['HourOfDay'] = df['CRSDepTime'] // 100
# Pivot the data to create a table of flight volume by day and hour
flight_vol = pd.pivot_table(df, values='Flight_Number_Marketing_Airline', index='DayOfWeek', columns='HourOfDay', aggfunc='count')
# Create a heatmap of the flight volume
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
sns.heatmap(flight_vol, cmap='Blues', annot=False, fmt='.0f')
plt.title('Busiest Days and Times for Flights')
plt.xlabel('Hour of Day')
plt.ylabel('Day of Week')
To understand delays better, we shall investigate the delay variables in the dataset.
sns.histplot(df['DepDelayMinutes'], kde=True, bins=500)
plt.title('Distribution of Departure Delays')
plt.xlabel('Delay (Minutes)')
print("Skewness: %f" % df['DepDelayMinutes'].skew())
print("Kurtosis: %f" % df['DepDelayMinutes'].kurt())
Skewness: 11.745739 Kurtosis: 266.145135
As seen from the histogram and skewness index, the majority of delays are located to the left of the graph, indicating that the most of the delays are short. The kurtosis indicates that there are many outliers of long delays in 2022
avg_delays = df.groupby('Airline')['DepDelayMinutes'].mean().sort_values(ascending=False)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.barplot(y=avg_delays.index, x=avg_delays.values, order=avg_delays.index)
plt.title('Average Delay Time by Airlines')
plt.xlabel('Average Delay Time (minutes)')
# Bin the delay times into different time ranges
bins = [0, 5, 15, 30, np.inf]
labels = ['<5 min', '5-15 min', '15-30 min', '>30 min']
df['DelayRange'] = pd.cut(df['DepDelayMinutes'], bins=bins, labels=labels).sort_values(ascending=True)
# Group the data by airline and delay time range, and count the number of flights in each group
grouped = df.groupby(['Airline', 'DelayRange'])['Airline'].count()
# Pivot the data so that each airline is a row and each delay time range is a column
stacked = grouped.unstack()
stacked.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, figsize=(10, 6))
plt.title('Distribution of Delay Times by Airline')
plt.ylabel('Number of Flights')
# Convert the FlightDate column to a datetime object
df['FlightDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['FlightDate'])
# Group the data by FlightDate and calculate the mean of DepDelayMinutes
grouped_data = df.groupby('FlightDate')['DepDelayMinutes'].mean()
# Create a line plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
ax.plot(grouped_data.index, grouped_data.values)
# Set the title and axis labels
ax.set_title('Mean Departure Delay over Time')
ax.set_xlabel('Flight Date')
ax.set_ylabel('Mean Departure Delay (minutes)')
# Show the plot
<Figure size 2000x2000 with 0 Axes>
# Create a new column to indicate whether the flight is longer or shorter than the median distance
mean_distance = df['Distance'].mean()
for i in tqdm(range(1)):
df['DistanceCategory'] = ['Long' if d >= mean_distance else 'Short' for d in df['Distance']]
# Create a scatterplot with hue based on the distance category
sns.scatterplot(x='Distance', y='DepDelayMinutes', hue='DistanceCategory', data=df)
# Add axis labels and a title
plt.xlabel('Flight Distance')
plt.ylabel('Departure Delay (Minutes)')
plt.title('Relationship Between Flight Distance and Departure Delay')
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:03<00:00, 3.60s/it]
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
df = df.dropna()
# select the relevant variables
X = df[['CRSDepTime', 'OriginAirportID', 'DestAirportID', 'Distance', 'AirTime']]
y = df['DepDelayMinutes']
# split the data into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# create and fit the linear regression model
model = LinearRegression(), y_train)
# make predictions on the testing set
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
# print the R-squared score
print('R-squared score:', model.score(X_test, y_test))
# create a scatter plot of the predicted vs actual values
plt.scatter(y_test, y_pred)
plt.xlabel('Actual DepDelayMinutes')
plt.ylabel('Predicted DepDelayMinutes')
plt.title('Linear Regression Model')
# create a residual plot to check for heteroscedasticity and linearity
residuals = y_test - y_pred
plt.scatter(y_pred, residuals)
plt.xlabel('Predicted DepDelayMinutes')
plt.title('Residual Plot')
R-squared score: 0.0028288496619960357
# Create scatter plot
sns.scatterplot(x='Distance', y='DepDelayMinutes', data=df)
# Fit regression line
reg = np.polyfit(df['Distance'], df['DepDelayMinutes'], 1)
ry = np.polyval(reg, df['Distance'])
# Plot regression line
plt.plot(df['Distance'], ry, 'r', linewidth=2)
# Set plot labels and title
plt.title('Regression Analysis: DepDelayMinutes vs Distance')
# Show plot
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
# calculate standard deviation of departure delay time for each airline
delay_std = df.groupby('Airline')['DepDelayMinutes'].std().sort_values(ascending=False)
sns.barplot(y=delay_std.index, x=delay_std.values, order=delay_std.index)
plt.ylabel('Standard Deviation of Departure Delay Time (minutes)')
plt.title('Departure Delay Time Standard Deviation by Airline')
# display the plot
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
cancel_counts = df.groupby('Airline')['Cancelled'].sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
sns.barplot(y=cancel_counts.index, x=cancel_counts.values, order=cancel_counts.index)
plt.title('Airline Cancellation Counts')
plt.xlabel('Cancellation Count')
# Define the columns to include in the analysis
column_subset = ["FlightDate", "Cancelled"]
# Calculate the number of cancelled and not cancelled flights for each year
cancelled = []
not_cancelled = []
for df in dfs:
cancelled_flights = df['Cancelled'].sum()
total_flights = len(df)
cancelled_percent = cancelled_flights / total_flights * 100
not_cancelled.append(100 - cancelled_percent), not_cancelled, color='#ff9999', label='Not_Cancelled'), cancelled, bottom=not_cancelled, color='#66b3ff', label='Cancelled')
plt.ylabel('Proportion of Flights')
plt.title('Proportion of Cancelled and Not Cancelled Flights Over 5 Years')
cancelled = []
not_cancelled = []
for airline in df['Airline'].unique():
airline_df = df[df['Airline'] == airline]
cancelled_flights = airline_df['Cancelled'].sum()
total_flights = len(airline_df)
cancelled_percent = cancelled_flights / total_flights * 100
not_cancelled.append(100 - cancelled_percent)
# Create a bar chart showing the proportion of cancelled and not cancelled flights for each airline['Airline'].unique(), not_cancelled, color='#ff9999', label='Not_Cancelled')['Airline'].unique(), cancelled, bottom=not_cancelled, color='#66b3ff', label='Cancelled')
plt.xticks(rotation=90, ha='center')
plt.ylabel('Proportion of Flights')
plt.title('Proportion of Cancelled and Not Cancelled Flights by Airline')
years = ['2018', '2019', '2020', '2021', '2022']
dfs = []
cancelled_by_airline = df[df['Cancelled'] == True].groupby(['Airline', 'FlightDate'])['Cancelled'].count().reset_index()
# create a line chart for each airline
airlines = cancelled_by_airline['Airline'].unique()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) # set the size of the plot
for airline in airlines:
data = cancelled_by_airline[cancelled_by_airline['Airline'] == airline]
plt.plot(data['FlightDate'], data['Cancelled'], label=airline)
# add labels and legend
plt.xlabel('Flight Date')
plt.ylabel('Cancelled Flights')
plt.title('Cancelled Flights Over Time by Airline')
plt.legend(fontsize='small', loc='upper right')
# set figure size
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(15, 8)
# show the plot
subset = df[['Cancelled', 'DepDelayMinutes']]
delay_cancel_model = smf.ols('DepDelayMinutes ~ Cancelled', data=subset).fit()
Dep. Variable: | DepDelayMinutes | R-squared: | 0.001 |
Model: | OLS | Adj. R-squared: | 0.001 |
Method: | Least Squares | F-statistic: | 1.676e+04 |
Date: | Mon, 03 Apr 2023 | Prob (F-statistic): | 0.00 |
Time: | 00:05:45 | Log-Likelihood: | -1.4929e+08 |
No. Observations: | 28430698 | AIC: | 2.986e+08 |
Df Residuals: | 28430696 | BIC: | 2.986e+08 |
Df Model: | 1 | ||
Covariance Type: | nonrobust |
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
Intercept | 12.7571 | 0.009 | 1473.212 | 0.000 | 12.740 | 12.774 |
Cancelled[T.True] | 48.3347 | 0.373 | 129.469 | 0.000 | 47.603 | 49.066 |
Omnibus: | 48711687.801 | Durbin-Watson: | 1.802 |
Prob(Omnibus): | 0.000 | Jarque-Bera (JB): | 84679398712.993 |
Skew: | 11.748 | Prob(JB): | 0.00 |
Kurtosis: | 269.328 | Cond. No. | 43.1 |
sns.boxplot(x='Cancelled', y='DepDelayMinutes', data=subset)
# Add legend
legend_labels = ['Not Cancelled', 'Cancelled']
# Add axis labels and title
plt.ylabel('Departure Delay Minutes')
plt.title('Distribution of Departure Delay Minutes by Cancellation Status')
No artists with labels found to put in legend. Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Departure Delay Minutes by Cancellation Status')
# subset_full_model = df[['Origin', 'Airline', 'Dest', 'Distance', 'AirTime']]
# full_model = smf.ols('Airline ~ Origin + Dest + Distance + AirTime', data=subset_full_model)
# # Fit the model to the data
# results =
# # Print the summary statistics
# results.summary()